The employees of TECFLOWER themselves are daily users of numerous technical devices. While working and testing on an App the charging of different end devices became laborious. For this reason the team have to find suitable solutions. Charging pads, for example, are neither functional nor aesthetic requirements for the puristic office premises. The TECFLOWER seeds was sown to completely address this problem. The development of first own products began, competencies rose steadily and there were excellent specialists brought on board. TECFLOWER developed into a recognized specialist in the field of wireless transfer of energy and flourished with ten full-time employees and developed to an energetic network.
From the connection of electricity and magnetism to inductive energy transfer
In the 19th century, essential foundations were laid for numerous modern scientific branches. New research methods, state funding and the increasingly economic importance of discoveries have greatly accelerated the progress. The heyday of the innovations has begun and one of the greatest visionaries of all times will revolutionize inductive energy transmission.
A brief overview:
In 1820, Hans Christian Ørsted observed the connection between electricity and magnetism by recognizing a deflection of a compass needle.
In 1827 André Marie Ampère wrote the essay „Memoir on the Mathematical Theory of Electrodynamic Phenomena, Uniquely Deduced from Experience,“ which contained the formulation of electrodynamic power and the description of four experiments. This paper forms the foundation for electrical engineering, as we know it today.
In 1831 Michael Faraday formulated the Induction Law. Induction (electrical engineering); According to Duden; Generation of electrical currents and voltages in electrical conductors by moving magnetic fields.
In 1860 James Clerk Maxwell assumed , during the development of his „Maxwell equations“ the existence of electromagnetic waves.
In 1888, Rudolf Hertz proved Maxwell’s acceptance and at the same time discovered the radio waves.
In 1900 Nikolas Tesla patented the principle of inductive energy transfer. The principle of Tesla is based on the induction law of Faraday of 1831.
Nikolas Tesla was the first scientist who deals intensively with the question of inductive energy transfer. The idea of using radio-frequency alternating currents to make the wireless transmission possible captured Tesla for a lifetime. In 1884 Tesla arrived in New York without any financial resources to work for Thomas Edison. This employment relationship, was short-lived as there were differences between Tesla and Edison. Edison was a supporter of the direct current, but Nikolas Tesla was instinctively convinced that the future lies in a non-commercial system called alternating current with which he was right. After leaving the „Edison Company“, he founded the company „Tesla Electric Light Company“ in 1885. The desired success of his company did not materialize. His business partners denied him and deceived him for his patents, so he soon had to declare bankruptcy. Shortly afterwards, he founded a new company „Tesla Electric Company“ with A. K. Brown’s financial resources. He started working on an alternating current system with a rotating magnetic field and experimented with high frequency currents. In order to present his achievements demonstratively, he regularly organized demonstrations for the New York High Society as well as for scientists and interested parties. His productions, which were a mixture of a stageshow and specialist lectures, astonished the audience, triggered by a fingernips, he let light the room. These spectacles made him to the „magician of electricity“. In 1895 he developed the Teslacoin, with which he could produce voltages up to 20 million volts. Later, thanks to the Teslacoin, he succeeded in transmitting signals over a distance of 1,000 kilometers. In the same year, he built his first wireless systems. In 1900 his patent, filed in 1897, was granted to the inductive energy transfer. The American engineer and industrialist George Westinghouse became aware of Tesla, acquired patents from him, and entrusted Tesla with working for his company „Westinghouse Electric Cooperation“ for four years.
During his lifetime, Nikola Tesla passed over 250 patents. With the current state of technology many of his patents would have exploit enormous potential energies of all types. The visionary understood a lot of technology and had an unbelievable imagination, but he did not manage to market himself. In 1943 despite of his extraordinary achievements and advances in science he died impoverished and alone in a hotel room in New York.
What happened after Tesla had laid the foundation for inductive loading? Amazingly it quickly fell into oblivion. Till present day, there are only a few devices whose rechargeable batteries can be wirelessly charged by induction – the forerunner was the electric toothbrush, which for safety reasons has been designed so that the batteries can be charged inductively. The toothbrush draws its current from a docking station. Some illusionists used the inductive energy transmission of the „magician of electricity“ for themselves and their deceptions, known to shift their audience in shivering and astonishment. For a long time, the technology was not expanded further.
Today, it has been recognized that the inductive energy transfer is not only an illusion, but also has many advantages: it leads to more comfort and safety. In 2014, many well-known representatives of the engineering industry teamed up and decided to make the many different technologies and standards compatible with each other in order to offer the end-user a uniform experience. The „QI“ standard, which is currently the most common in smartphones, enables stable and efficient inductive transmission of up to 15 watts. The range of applications is diverse: from hygiene articles to fitness shoes to VR glasses or hearing aids: All devices that require comparatively little power and have to be mobile at the same time, can be equipped with wireless charging technology.
The starting signal has fallen more than a hundred years ago, now andi be free with its innovative ideas, is ready to start with the inductive shop.
Andi – be free has already developed various mobile phone charging stations for the smartphone and is open minded for more: furniture with inductive energy transmission, in restaurants , for the office, as well as at your home, which continuously recharge your electronic gadgets.
andi – be free take a step into the future, such as the installation of wireless charging technology in the clothing, which makes it easy to load the smartphone by inserting it into the trouser pocket while the clothes are simply being loaded while they are in the closet – completely without cable.
andi – be free starts where Nikolas Tesla has stopped.